Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Superman Blogger Template

dream recently @ 2007-08-28T11: 41:00

blah. First time I'm back with nils in the dark through the city running - like the other day, already, just before I was kidnapped ... Oo then we went to a tsraßenbahnhaltestelle, I parked my bike, "said Nils bye, turned around and my bike was gone. super. (I have no way rad!) In any case then boarded the train in tons of people that will generate an jumped on the roof and said anyone who has have something from India (?) ... well, no idea.

the next dream was even stupider ...
I was buying with silke in the h & m clothes for my graduation ceremony of the curative-education (which is, moreover, now already 2 years ago). ... I was unfortunately only a very beautiful and attract ketzte nothing. then we went to my teachers, because we should then have to sign schonmal the certificates and (these were green folded notes -.-) the teacher was incidentally no one in my professional school years but from the real school yet, years ie more than 7 ago that I had .. but it was just an ass) and not everyone got a certificate, just. I'm in demand where as mine was and he said I had a very special - and then he gave me a kind letter. instead notes were behind each fold a really furious rate over me. I know (fortunately) no more of it, but it was about my behavior at school that I have all the people only nerve, total running after embarrassing all the guys would (as I read did I cried the lehrewr to whether he did not know that I I live with my boyfriend and how he would shit on persons) that I'm totally embarrassed to look "like a pudding," etc. .. of the teachers forced me to sign, I resisted and they all laughed at me if I would not understand, fun, and I was so hurt and so hurt that I just cry and have all laughed at me -.- I wanted the "certificate" to show his superiors, but he took it away from me ... at some point I then broke into the house, got the certificate found and taken away, and suddenly it was nevertheless written a letter with children and silke soner was the only one who helped me figure out by whom the letter is. and then we came upon the girl in class well in the secondary school has been under ne me jealous and was on-I do not know - and then me and no besdhimpfte ahung. I win in my car with my h & m bag with the beautiful chain, and am incensed gone away .....

Monday, August 20, 2007

Nuclear Metal Core Scooter Wheels

dream recently @ 2007-08-20T12: 48:00

days after I took jessamyn_rl Nina and her husband in the car, I saw in the distance a total Leaning Tower. was so ne art factory next to a television tower. the tower leaned to the left at once, and then he went back UAF. Nina was just what I am told, and ye will not fall into the word, but then tipped the tower nebenstehnde in the factory building ... It is then smoked, and until we put the car on the goods was a huge traffic jams and police and fire department were there.
that's it.