Thursday, May 31, 2007

Is It Legal To Build A Treehouse

plucked eyelashes / / wooden wheel, walk Eschenhausen and cherry cake

the eyelashes I've picked me, last night. yes, the lashes, not the eyebrows (something some people may not actually differ!) ... because there were disgusting hair in between, which were bright yellow and very thick. and I then thrown into the sink, where they were getting longer, really long bristles like very thick whiskers on the cat. that was pretty disgusting.


the night before I went Untergrombach with the bike, the road to when I was a small wooden hut to pass, was sold in the cake. as this cottage seems people by the walk between house belonged (which is a restaurant in the vineyards, which has sometimes my one uncle), I was afraid that people might recognize me again (why should they, and what would be so bad if?? ) ... anyway I'm in, wanted to buy me cake and cherry-nils. a woman sagtre, the cake is to d + geshcnitten nn so I got 2 pieces instead of a lot more had to pay 3 euro. I wanted to get going again, there was a rieeeeeeesiges wooden wheel next to the cottage. simply a wheel with spokes that was larger than a ferris wheel. and then I thought so ... hm, nils has indeed been said that the city spins, such a great bike to build, but it's so big and so useless, I would hardly have thought! I was terribly impressed and this wheel was so half-hidden in the woods somehow, but hiding a time such a large object ...... and no one knew what this was rad because .... yes, and I dannbin back home.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What Do Gelly Bracelets Mean When You Break Them

Thomas D!

before last night:

Nils' niece, Kim had her graduation ceremony (She is getting her real education!).
The stage program in such a tent was totally boring.
I was suddenly on the table and looked around ... except me, nobody was on the table, so I'm ashamed climbed down again.
Then I'm gone to a house nearby. Behind it sat Thomas D. (So .. the Fanta 4 - Thomas D: D) .. who told me that I should be calling the class from Kim, because he still wants something in the classroom talk about their future.
So I went back to the festival, told the girls they have in the classroom because Thomas wants to come zuück D. were really excited and giggling just around ... Then I'm
run back to Thomas, sat down to him, there was suddenly a lake behind the house.
have then we'll talk about something and I helped him anschleißend, from an empty apartment for a few boxes and microphones, and to take something - in an elevator, the A - B - C - D - was tipped studs instead of numbers, which I still I totally laughed and said that such a thing at all but can not be ....
He thanked me and we talked about the girls, to whom he had the same, that are so excited and yes he is only human ...
Then he went into this classroom and I stood there and thought about it that I always liked Thomas D wanted to know times, because I think he is an intelligent man sher ...
yes, and then I'm awake -.-

Sea Pro Vinyl Replacement Seat Covers

Grönemeyer concert

antepenultimate night I was on a Grönemeyer concert. We all stood in a circle around the stage singing along ud everyone had a few lines ... Herbert came over to my mother, who sang totally slanted, then it was my turn and I thought so ... hey, that sounds really great!
needed Then my mother au the toilet, that was a totally far away, and to come back, we had on huge horse ride, which took forever to saddle those and we had to knee pads and things like dress and I've been annoyed total, because the concert was over and so certainly I have noticed only the beginning! then we are back for riding hall and met again Nils and Gerald, and the concert was actually already finished ... I saw nils' Yellow Lupo and woke up -.-